Affinity Global Initiatives
Headed up by one of our commercial loan consultants, Carl McIntosh, Affinity Global Initiatives is devoted to making a difference in the lives of all people, by providing the best solutions for water purification worldwide! Regardless of whether you are a bottler looking to improve the purity of your drinks, a small storefront restaurant looking to give your customers a better drinking experience, or the world’s largest hospital seeking the complex system necessary to support your operation, we can assist you by customizing a system specific to your situation.
Additionally, we manage a device-integration system that will save medium & large scale businesses up to 50% on utility utilization; thus, more than 50% in savings. At no cost to the client, we will analyze the current utilization of your business; then, determine the devices necessary to save your business…& the costs for this service is paid for through the savings your company will enjoy!!!
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